

His Majesty – Organic Reach


Organic reach… so hard to reach. If you have only scratched a little on social networks, the term “organic reach” has certainly jumped on you. I will try to explain as simply as possible by example what this means. Eg post on social media and what you see in the results and analytics: clicks, likes, number of views – that’s exactly the organic reach.

When you promote this post or create a paid campaign, what you get in the results is paid reach.

Organic reach 5 years ago and today

Five years ago, Facebook’s organic reach flourished. Small businesses didn’t need to spend money on advertising at all, they just needed to take advantage of the situation and follow trends. Whoever posted something, the likes flourished, the users shared. And today…

Today, it is much harder to get organic reach, but it is not impossible. Everyone is fighting for him because he is completely free. But Facebook jumped on the bandwagon and decided to change the algorithms. They recognize and classify your post and change it literally on a daily basis. If you don’t follow what’s up to date, you won’t be appearing on the News Feed. Because there is no magic formula, no one knows how algorithms work at all. It would be great if we could get a script and make a post based on it. But it doesn’t go that way, unfortunately. It takes continuous learning, studying, schooling :-).

How to break through to the News Feed

The News Feed is the homepage you open when you start Facebook.

Of course, you’ve felt a drastic drop in organic reach as users post millions of new content on a daily basis. And it often happens that a page with 20,000 followers has a few dozen likes. And you wonder why that is, when she used to have a few thousand likes. In short – there has been a change in Facebook’s way of filtering content.

If Facebook were to show on our News Feed all of the people and pages we follow, our News feeds would be cluttered with content that is not relevant to us. That’s why Facebook has some sort of filtering standard that it will show us in summaries, depending on our behavior on social media.

Organic trade

What destroys organic reach?

If you post too much promotional content, Facebook will recognize it and limit the appearance of your posts. Here we return to the advice: do not sell – inform.

Facebook also monitors the negative reactions of your posts (check them out through: Page Analytics / Review). This means that if a follower hides your post, marks it as spam or compresses unlike pages, it automatically discredits you through an algorithm.

Sharing too much other people’s content or “reposting” too often also affects the algorithm. All social networks love original content and the more you publish it the better your organic reach.

Either you publish too much or too little. It is good to have continuity. The most harmful for the algorithm is when, for example, you do not publish for a week and publish 4 pieces in one day. You are definitely limiting your reach to yourself.

Buying fake followers definitely destroys your organic reach in the long run because your audience is not engaged.

Watch out for posts related to sensitive topics like COVID-19, because even though you have good intentions, Facebook may limit your reach.

What to do next?

Explore your audience and get closer to it as you create content. Create one that is interesting to the audience, not you.

Find a way to make your content different from the competition.

Upload more videos and photos and fewer links, post at the right time (through Site Analytics you can also see when your followers are online – watch out because the data is for PST (Pacific time zone) which means we are 9 hours ahead, so you have to manually count 🙂 )

Create targeted paid campaigns that will increase your visibility, because unfortunately we are no longer in the privileged years when Facebook was just an entertainment application, today Facebook is a serious tool for business development and it should be approached that way.


(Bear in mind that I’m just one message away  😉 )