
How did it all start?

Like many important things in life, the idea of opening a digital marketing agency came about by accident. Shortly afterwards, a new chapter called "My Own Boss" begins.

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My first job, right after graduating from college, was in marketing. And as the story began, so it continued and built in the same direction with a lot of accompanying additions :-).

Marketing inspires and fulfills me because it gives real and concrete results. For the past 15 years, I have spent more than half of my working life working as part of a team in a large corporation. I have completed a number of additional trainings related to management and sales. But even more important than schooling - I gained invaluable experience, both in life and in business.

I always wanted to have something of my own ... but it was always too little courage. I loved reading all the inspiring ones stories with bombastic titles - "resigned from a well-paid position and went after his dreams". And she saw herself in those headlines countless times.


Those who do not know and those who know

My biggest challenge is companies that have not yet focused enough on digital marketing. The challenge is to explain to someone who does not privately use any of the social platforms or tools, why social networks are important. That's where all the charm of marketing lies.

On the other hand, there are companies that know how and what they need, but due to lack of time and resources they are not able to implement solutions online. And they are standing still because they do not arrive and do not have the budget to hire new staff.
That is exactly the goal of my project. Help companies be better, more visible and focused on new trends.


Beginning or end

As a director or business owner, I know that digital marketing is not the most important thing for you because you are overwhelmed by other obligations. Do you do it only in passing and just because everyone is online? And you don't get to think about what to publish - all you want to do is answer potential customer inquiries - because they're money. And money matters!
You don’t have to do anything, neither be present on social media, nor create interesting content, nor develop awareness of your brand, nor sell more. But - the competition is there. And they will skip you.

Trends are constantly changing, and you are still at the beginning and do not follow them? If you have concluded that you have enough work to do without an online marketing strategy and presence, press X in the upper right corner of the screen.

If you are still here - we continue together 😉

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Don't forget

Follow my blog because through it I will try to bring you closer to the digital world of practice and write about the various possibilities of what and how you as an owner can do yourself with minimal commitment.

If you are interested in this topic and think it can help you in business, subscribe to the newsletter. You will get valuable information, and it is up to you how you will use it.

Don't forget to open the door to new customers! They are ready and waiting for you.

Martina Vrančić, M.Sc.

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